Get 100GB Free OneDrive Space If You Are A Dropbox User


Ever since Satya Nadella took over the top job of Microsoft, it is evident that Microsoft has been increasingly pushing for what they called “Mobile First and Cloud First” mentality. In order to compete with the dominant player in the personal cloud, Dropbox, Microsoft just launched a new campaign to give away free 100GB OneDrive storage space for any Dropbox user. This is clearly an attack on Dropbox despite their recent partnership in the newly launched native mobile (iOS/Android) Office apps.

You can go to follow this link to sign up for the extra 100GB Storage space in OneDrive. It’s worth to point out that this extra 100GB storage space only valid for 1 year.

Screenshot 2015 02 22 14.06.53 600x355 - Get 100GB Free OneDrive Space If You Are A Dropbox UserScreenshot 2015 02 22 14.07.03 600x239 - Get 100GB Free OneDrive Space If You Are A Dropbox User

It will prompt for your Dropbox credential to connect to the app.

Screenshot 2015 02 22 14.07.25 - Get 100GB Free OneDrive Space If You Are A Dropbox User

Once you have connected Dropbox it will redirect you back to OneDrive to complete the bonus Storage space.

Screenshot 2015 02 22 14.07.33 600x227 - Get 100GB Free OneDrive Space If You Are A Dropbox User

You can verify the additional 100GB Storage to be showing up under “Enthusiast Bonus” section of the OneDrive > Manage Storage section.

Screenshot 2015 02 22 14.13.50 600x493 - Get 100GB Free OneDrive Space If You Are A Dropbox User

This 100GB free additional storage space is a very welcoing gesture by Microsoft, the only take away from this offer is the bonus storage period only last for 1 year. But hey, as you can see program like this happens quite often, you can gain additional storage space here and there even though this might be a limited one time offer. The bottom line is, it’s a great timing as some of the Dropbox’s college Space Race program have reached the expiration date. To Microsoft, every user they can gain from their competitor, is a small step towards winning the Cloud market.


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