Android can be booted into three different main modes. One is the straight-up Android OS that your phone ships with. The other two modes are different recovery modes you can boot your phone in, fastboot, and TWRP.
In this guide we will talk about how to unbrick any android phone with tools you can download and run from Windows with fastboot and TWRP.
A prerequisite of this is download a copy of Android SDK Platform Tools, or commonly referred to as Platform Tools.

What is Fastboot?
is a bootloader mode in which you can flash a device. Each Android phone has a different way to enter this mode, here is a list of key combos you need to press in order to restart and boot into fastboot
with Google’s own Android device. It’s important to note, by default all Android phones those days are locked and you cannot just flash your phone to a custom ROM.
Bricked Phone fastboot loop
Only those phones that have been unlocked would be possible to enter the loop. The likely hood of this is because you either loaded an incompatible custom ROM or you flashed the existing TWRP image and flashed with an incompatible TWRP image.
TWRP is short for Team Win Recovery Project. It provides GUI for your Android so you can perform an operation such as wipe partition and data. It is so important to find the custom TWRP that fits your Android phone, no other two phones will share the same TWRP image.
For any bricked phone you need to make sure to do those two things. Find the exact TWRP version for your phone. Do not flash the recovery image with the twrp instead run the command below
.\fastboot.exe boot .\twrp-umi-3.4.0-9-system_ext.img
Then use adb to sideload (copy) a working ROM to your android’s \sdcard partition.
❯ .\adb.exe -s 4a82b36 push .\ \sdcard
Reboot back into TWRP, you should be able to install the image from there and recover your bricked Android phone.