How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11


The internet has become an indispensable part of our day. Fast internet is crucial to surfing the web, working online, or relaxing. However, some Windows 11 users must contend with slow internet while carrying out these activities.

A bad setting, minor bugs, and the multiple resource-intensive processes on Windows 11 may cause slow internet speeds. Sometimes, the fault is from your ISP, so you may consider a new service provider or a wired connection before trying any fix in this guide.

1. Run the Network and Internet Troubleshooter

Bugs, network adapter errors, or problems with specific settings may cause slow internet on Windows 11. The Network and Internet troubleshooter can reset your network adapter and change and optimize DNS settings. Here is how to run the troubleshooter:

Step 1: Press Windows + I to open the Settings app.

Step 2: Click Troubleshoot on the right pane.

Troubleshoot 1 600x387 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 3: Select Other troubleshooters.

other troubleshooters 600x387 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 4: Click the Run button for Network and Internet.

Network and internet 600x387 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 5: Finally, take any recommended action after running the troubleshooter.

2. Disable Downloads from Other PCs

Windows 11 has a peer-to-peer feature that lets your device download Windows updates from other computers in the network. This can be great for faster internet connections, but it may lead to significant delays if you have a slower connection. Here is how you disable downloads from other PCs:

Step 1: Press Windows + I to open the Settings app.

Step 2: Click Windows Update on the left pane, and on the right, select Advanced options.

Advanced options 1 600x387 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 3: Select Delivery optimization.

Delivery optimization 600x387 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 4: Toggle off Allow downloads from other PCs.

No downloads from other PCs 600x387 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

3. Limit the Download Bandwidth Settings

To ensure smooth internet usage, consider limiting your download bandwidth. This will allow you to continue performing other activities like streaming or playing games without experiencing lag or slow internet speeds, even during updates. Here is how to limit the download bandwidth:

Step 1: Press Windows + I to open the Settings app.

Step 2: Click Windows Update on the left pane, and on the right, select Advanced options.

Advanced options 1 600x387 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 3: Select Delivery optimization.

Delivery optimization 600x387 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 4: Select Advanced options.

Advanced options 2 600x387 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 5: Under Absolute bandwidth, tick checkboxes for Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background and Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the foreground.

Absolute 600x387 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

4. Tweak the Internet Bandwidth Settings

You have only 80% of your internet bandwidth for personal use because Windows 11 reserves 20% for system apps, Windows updates, and other tasks. You may increase the bandwidth for personal use by tweaking the reservation limit. Here is how to do it.

Step 1: Press Windows + R, type gpedit.msc, and hit Enter.

GPedit - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 2: In the Local Group Policy Editor, navigate Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Network, then double-click QoS Packet Scheduler.

QoS Packet 600x415 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 3: Double-click Limit reservable bandwidth on the right pane.

reservable bandwidth 600x415 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 4: Select Enabled, reduce Bandwidth limit to 0, then click Apply and OK.

limit network 600x556 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

5. End High Data Consuming Processes

If you end the processes that consume the most data on your computer, you increase the bandwidth other applications may share. Here is how to end processes in Windows 11.

Step 1: Click the Start menu, type resource, and select the Resource Monitor app.

resource 600x639 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 2: You will see a list of running processes and the data they use. Right-click on a process consuming a lot of bandwidth and click End process. You may repeat this step for as many processes as you wish.

end process 600x453 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

6. Update the Network Driver

Outdated and corrupted network drivers can affect internet speed, so the best practice is to keep drivers updated. You may use the steps below to update your network driver.

Press 1: Right-click the Start menu and select Device Manager.

device manager 1 600x389 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 2: Expand the Network adapter category, right-click on your driver, and select Update driver.

update driver 600x357 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 3: Select Search automatically for drivers.

driver search 600x414 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 4: If there are any updates, follow the wizard to download and install them.

7. Turn off Windows Auto-Tuning

The Windows Auto-Tuning feature adjusts the receive window size for all TCP connections. It can increase the amount of data transferred simultaneously but may cause slower transfer speeds on already slow connections. So, turn it off with the steps below:

Step 1: Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog, type cmd, and hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open an elevated Command Prompt.

cmd - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 2: Type the script below and hit Enter, then verify that the Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level value is Normal.

netsh interface tcp show global

Normal 600x314 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 3: Normal is the default meaning that it’s enabled. Type the script below and hit Enter to disable it.
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

disable 600x314 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

8. Disable Background Applications

Background applications use bandwidth just like other PC apps, even though they are not visible on your computer screen. When you disable them, you will free up bandwidth, and other internet-reliant applications will run faster. Here is how to disable background apps:

Step 1: Press Windows + R to open the Settings App.

Step 2: Click Apps on the left pane, then on the right, click Installed apps.

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Step 3: Click the ellipses (3 horizontal dots) for any background app and select Advanced options.

Advanced options 3 600x387 - How to Fix Slow Internet on Windows 11

Step 4: Set the value of Let this app run in background to Never.

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FAQ on Windows 11 Slow Internet

1. Why is my Internet speed so slow on Windows 11?

Several factors may make your internet slow on Windows 11, including a bad internet service provider (ISP), issues with your router or network adapter, and your location. Other things that may affect internet speed on Windows 11 have been discussed above.

2. Can Windows 11 cause internet problems?

The OS itself will not cause internet problems, but corrupted or outdated network drivers, incorrect DNS settings, or certain hardware problems may lead to the problems.

3. Is Windows 11 internet based?

The OS is not totally dependent on the internet, but certain features will require an internet connection, like the Microsoft account, Windows updates, and the Windows Store.

Enjoy Fast Internet Speeds on Windows 11

If you have gone through all the suggestions in this guide, you must be experiencing the fastest internet speeds on your Windows 11 device.

You should not open too many applications simultaneously as this is a factor for reduced internet speed. You may use the CLI command line utility to test your internet speed.

Lastly, leave us your remarks in the comment section, telling us what solution was most effective.


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