In terms of solving math, we’ve got calculators, online calculators, or search engines like Google or Bing. But none of them is cool and easy to solve a bit complicated math problems, such as one of those quadratic equations.
If you are not aware, Microsoft Edge has an secret math solver embedded in the browser. And here is how to enable it and use it.
Since it’s a released feature, we need to enable it first. Go to edge://flags page, type math in the search box, and enable it.
Once Edge is restarted, head over to the Settings page, Appearance section and switch the Math solver on.
You will see the Match Solver icon showing up on the toolbar. Clicking it brings up the Math Solver panel inside the Edge browser.
Now you have the choice of either select the equation on the web page or type out the math problem.
Click Solve, and here you go.
You can select on the method that solve the problem and show the detailed steps. And scroll down a bit more, you will see the graph of equation and share the solution to someone if you like.
Great for student studying their math, I’d say.