If your computer is shared by some users, maybe it’s a good idea knowing who’s sharing the same computer with you. Here is a quick tip that shows you a few ways of doing so.
Settings app
Open Settings app, go to Accounts, then Family & other people where you can see a list of accounts as your family members as well as another list that are not part of the family to sign in with their own accounts, namely as other people.
The Settings app is a place to start and provides enough information as to whom you are sharing your computer with, but it doesn’t provide a complete list.
Computer Managment
Computer Management is an MMC-based management tool that I’ve been enjoying for a very long time. It has most of the tools I needed for my day-to-day job, e.g. Event Viewer, Services, Device Management, Disk Management, and Local Users and Groups where shows you the complete list of local accounts on your computer.
Right-click the Start menu to bring up the Win+X menu and choose Computer Management from the list.
Expand System Tools and Local Users and Groups, select Users, then you will see the list of local accounts you have on your computer.
PowerShell actually has a cmdlet available in the most recent version of Windows 10 with PowerShell 5.1 that you can run to pull up a list of local users with ease.
That’s it, for now.