What To Do When I can’t Set Default Printer Because of This Error


Let Windows Manage My Default Printer isn’t really my thing and defaulting to one dedicated printer works way more efficient for me. But for a few times now, I’ve encountered this odd problem where I can’t even see the option.

When I go to Settings > Devices > Printers & scanners and want to set a specific network printer as default. I see this instead, an error message that tells me:


image 9 - What To Do When I can't Set Default Printer Because of This Error

Something that doesn’t make any sense to me.

And then when I am in Control Panel > Devices and Printers, I don’t see the option there either that allows me to set the default printer.

image 6 - What To Do When I can't Set Default Printer Because of This Error

What to do?

I’ve tried updated the driver and made sure my Windows 10 has all the updates installed. But none of them helped.

While I am still trying to find the permanent solution for it, here is my temporarily workaround, using my favorite tool, PowerShell.

Open PowerShell window and run the following command.

(new-object -ComObject WScript.Network).SetDefaultPrinter('\\computer\printer')
image 14 600x190 - What To Do When I can't Set Default Printer Because of This Error


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