Sync – Another Cloud Storage Provider with Stronger Privacy


There is no shortage of cloud storage providers when it comes to saving and sharing files to the cloud but there are few when it comes to privacy. Sync is the one that builds its online cloud solution with privacy in mind.

It works just like Dropbox, OneDrive, or Box. You have Sync Client running on your Windows, automatically syncs the files or folders to the cloud when it detects a change. And you can get access to these files once they are sync’d to the cloud from anywhere via any devices that run iOS or Android, Windows or Mac. You can also share these file with others through a link or folders between accounts.   Files 2015 02 13 14 59 381 - Sync - Another Cloud Storage Provider with Stronger Privacy

What makes Sync different is the way how they respect your data. It provides end-to-end encryption to the data that makes technically impossible for Sync to get access to your own data. According to Sync’s Privacy white paper, Sync’s unique, zero-knowledge storage platform, guarantees your privacy by encrypting and decrypting your data client-side (on your computer or device).

  • All data (file and file meta data) is encrypted client-side and remains encrypted in transit and at rest.
  • Most importantly: the encryption keys used to encrypt and decrypt your data are only accessible client-side (by you). We cannot access your keys.
  • Your password is never stored, and only known client-side (by you).
  • Sync’s zero-knowledge encryption technology is based on open source software. You can view our browser-based source code at any time.

Sync has two different type of accounts to offer. Starter which is free offers 5GB storage space while Pro offers 500GB for $49 per year. Both options have the pretty much all core features covered, except for the Vault archive option which is only available for Pro users.

You can also get 1GB reward for each new account referred through your referral link. So if you are going to sign up an account with Sync, please consider using my Sync referral link so I can get some extra GBs added to my account.


Sync has most of the important features as other major cloud providers but with stronger privacy guaranteed on to your data along with many privacy legislation compliant, it could be a better alternative solution to guard your data while not losing any of the cloud sharing, collaborating capabilities.

Sync is a Canadian company that has their data center right on their own soil, which should be some extra points to consider if you are from Canada or run a business on Canada soil. Not only are you supporting your local business but you are also getting a better safety guard to your own data.


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