OneSafeBox to Encrypt and Backup Your Cloud Data in Dropbox and Google Drive


OneSafeBox is a complete web-based data encryption solution to Cloud services like Dropbox and Google Drive. It encrypts your files locally with your own private key before sending them over to Dropbox or Google Drive, and automatically backs up your encrypted data between selected cloud storage. All data encrypted with OneSafeBox is accessible from anywhere on a device with a web browser.

demo backup - OneSafeBox to Encrypt and Backup Your Cloud Data in Dropbox and Google Drive

The first thing after you signed up is to set up a Master Key which will be used to encrypt and derypt all your files. It’s a one-time setup for your account and is set up using the combination of a file of your choice and your account password. It’s important to know that the Master Key is your only safe guard to your encrypted cloud data.

OneSafeBox account setup - OneSafeBox to Encrypt and Backup Your Cloud Data in Dropbox and Google Drive

The next step is to connect to Cloud Storage. It currently only supports Dropbox and Google Drive. OneDrive is on the way. Since OneSafeBox doesn’t provide Storage service, you will have to connect to one Cloud Storage before using OneSafeBox to encrypt your data. All data will still be stored in your Cloud Storage like before, only encrypted.

OneSafeBox link cloud storage - OneSafeBox to Encrypt and Backup Your Cloud Data in Dropbox and Google Drive

For each linked storage, you can set it as either Primary, Backup, or Spare. If you have both Primary and Backup enabled, you can have your data saved in your Primary automatically sync’d over to your backup storage automatically.

OneSafeBox linked storage accounts - OneSafeBox to Encrypt and Backup Your Cloud Data in Dropbox and Google Drive

OneSafeBox is a complete web-based application, which means all data operations are done through the web browser, including file upload, folder management, sharing, downloading, etc. All data is encrypted locally and then transferred to the cloud so it’s safe and invisible to both OneSafeBox and your cloud provider.

OneSafeBox file upload - OneSafeBox to Encrypt and Backup Your Cloud Data in Dropbox and Google Drive


OneSafeBox is a new cloud service that is still in its beta stage. The concept of how it helps you to secure your cloud data is good and it’s done in a way that makes the process fairly intuitive and easy to follow. It’s completely based on the modern web but I am finding myself still missing the desktop client. It would be a lot more usable if I can upload and encrypt the data directly through Windows Explorer. If there is only one thing that is missing, I’d say it’s the desktop client that will make this app a lot more useful.

OneSafeBox is currently on invitation testing at the moment, so if you are interested in testing it out let us know in the Discussion below.

Also, while you are on the topic, don’t forget to check out our Best Encryption Solution to Cloud Storage.


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