Unless you are living under the rock, you’ve probably learned what this Heartbleed is and how serious it could be. It’s arguably the biggest security threats in Internet’s history. The bug has affected many popular websites and services – ones you might use every day, like Gmail and Facebook – and could have quietly exposed your sensitive account information (such as passwords and credit card numbers) over the past two years.
Updating your passwords on sites that hold your sensitive information is the immediate react to better protect your own privacy. It would be better if we know what’s been affected so we can react accordingly in a more efficient way. Thanks to Mashable who reached out to some of the most popular social, email, banking and commerce sites on the web and rounded up a list of sites that have or haven’t been affected.
Even though this list is a more US-version than a global one, it’s still a very good resource that is worth checking out and acting so.
Mashable will be keeping the list updated as new information comes in. So bookmark the article if needed.
Source: The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now