The Safer Internet Day, which happens to be today Feb. 10, 2015, is the day to remind all of us how important online safety is these days. Google reaches out today and asks people to take 2 minutes to complete a simple Security Checkup to ensure you are making the most of the 24/7 Google’s protection you already get from Google.
And as a way of saying Thank-You, anyone with a valid Google Account completing the checkup by February 17, 2015 will get a permanent 2GB of free storage bump in their Google Drive storage plan. All new storage will be granted and added to your account by February 28.
After you’ve gone through the checkup successfully, you’ll see three green checkboxes (see below) that confirm you’re eligible for the free storage and, more importantly, that you’ve taken steps to enhance your online safety.
It took me less than a minute to have my own Google Account checked up, with all 3 green checkboxes all checked. And now I am waiting.
Note that Google Apps for Work and Google Apps for Education users are not eligible for the bonus storage
/via Google Drive Blog/