MultCloud to Manage and Transfer Files Across Multiple Cloud Drives


MultCloud is a web service that acts as a central management platform for those who are using multiple cloud services such as Dropbox, SkyDrive, Box, etc. Once all set, you can access all your data across all cloud services you are using within one single place. Frankly, it doesn’t seem appealing enough to use a service like MultCloud if you are using a computer that has all the cloud client installed and synced seamlessly. However, in the situations like below, services like MultCloud may offer a more convenience way for you to access your data.

  • Have multiple accounts in one cloud service, in the hope of unifying all spaces across these accounts.
  • Have a need to transfer files without a local computer.
  • Have multiple free cloud service accounts and wish to have a way to combine these free spaces to form a larger free space.

Using MultCloud is relatively easy. Once signed up, which is free, you can connect your multiple cloud services through a simple user interface. It supports many cloud services, including the most popular ones such as Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, SugarSync, Amazon S3, etc. Let’s say I want to connect my Google Drive to MultCloud, I will just click on Add Cloud Drive button on the left side panel, select Google icon, click Next, and give a name for the drive, and click Add Google Drive Account button.

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MultCloud to add a Google Drive account

Then it redirects me to Google’s OAuth page since I’ve already had signed into my Google account. I will then click the blue Accept button to authorize the access.

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OAuth page on Google

Now I’ve got my Google Drive connected in MultCloud. I can then add more if I want to have more cloud service to add in.

MultCloud accounts - MultCloud to Manage and Transfer Files Across Multiple Cloud Drives

And from there, I can easily move, copy, share, or delete files or folders fairly quickly through right-click context menu on the files across all connected cloud services. Looks pretty cool, I would say.

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You can also use the built-in Transfer feature to transfer files between your connected cloud accounts with the option to Run Now or Schedule Later.

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MultCloud – Transfer feature with Run options

Now, I would say if there is a mobile version for iOS, Android, or even Windows Phone devices it would be much cooler. With the world surrounded by all these small smart devices, a pure web application doesn’t seem to be enough anymore.


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