Get bored with your desktop wallpaper but don’t feel like change them manually every time? Here is a way to automate the process of downloading wallpapers from Wallpapers Wide website and setting them up as desktop wallpaper slide show.
Download PowerShell script
First, download the following PowerShell script by clicking the download button.
Here is the source code, credit to PowerTips.
function Download-Wallpaper { param ( [string] [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Folder, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [Int] $Page=1 ) begin { $url = "$Page" $targetExists = Test-Path -Path $Folder if (!$targetExists) { $null = New-Item -Path $Folder -ItemType Directory } } process { $web = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing $web.Images.src | ForEach-Object { $filename = $_.Split('/')[-1].Replace('t1.jpg','wallpaper-3840x2160.jpg') $source = "$filename" $TargetPath = Join-Path -Path $folder -ChildPath $filename Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $source -OutFile $TargetPath } } end { explorer $Folder } } Download-Wallpaper -Folder d:\temp\wallpaper
By default, all wallpapers will be downloaded and saved in d:\temp\wallpaper folder. Change it to the place of your choice on your computer.
To run the script, right-click the downloaded wallpaper-dl.ps1 file and choose Run with PowerShell from the context menu.
The PowerShell window pops up and you will see the download process flashing inside it.
Once done, you will have a set of high-definition wallpapers ready for you to enjoy.
Setup Background slideshow
Now open Settings app, go to Personalization > Background. Select Slideshow as the Background type and Browse to set the folder that stores all downloaded wallpaper files as the album for the slideshow.
Automate the download process
To automate the download process, you can use Task Scheduler to set up a schedule for wallpaper-dl.ps1 file to run periodically.
Open Task Scheduler, create a new task and edit the Action tab to use PowerShell as the program with the script file path as the arguments, like below:
Lastly, if PowerShell isn’t your thing, how does Automatically Save Windows Spotlight and Bing Images as Desktop Wallpaper sound?
I had to fix the page next issue, but other then that 🙂 ty…
Care to mention what you changed to get this working ?